The Not so hidden meaning of Life


One smile can soften something so rigid.

One touch can melt something so cold.

One hug can penetrate deep into a soul, deeper when it's a wounded one.

One look can stop something,  a thousand words couldn't.

One word can start something, a million thoughts couldn't.

And one thought can change something, a zillion swords couldn't.


One sword? Well, lower it. Because,


The only thing that matters in the whole universe, is love.

And the only thing that shows true bravery, is kindness.

Those who have showed you even a tinge of kindness will always be above you and literally nobody is beneath you.


Look into the eyes of those who speak to you , ears are no match for the eyes.

The feeling of recognition does more wonders than you might imagine and it is the smallest version of kindness you can contribute in a world of blind.


To think about the battles of life, bonds makes it better.

You are your own warrior, true that.

 But there's always a greater satisfaction and a better chance of victory when you fight the battle in another's behalf.

Sometimes, instead of "for them", you could always try "with them". Even more juicier outcomes you witness.


One of my favorite quote that I read somewhere will always be "the more time you spend with someone, the more cursed you are to see them as humans". I stand by this line.


But I also like to see it as "the more love you pour into someone, the more cursed you are to value time less, 2 minutes with them? 2 months with them? 2 lifetimes with them? You don't care, as long as there is a "with them" at the end of that sentence.

We tend to capture the beginning and the ending of a rainbow quite rarely. The colorful curve is what seduces the eye.

Time is limited they say, your journey says it all.

The more invested you are in making the path beautiful, the more colorful your destination, or what people may like to call "the end" will get.

The more laughter you fill it with, the more limitless the path appears to you in other words, 'it never ends'.


Life is a very tricky thing, everything that happens to you indefinitely impacts everything that happens because of you.

In those two, you can always control one of them. You cannot stop the impact, but only you can decide whether that impact is going to be a good one or a destructive one.


Luck is a very funny thing, the moment you think you have it,  is nothing when compared to the moment you actually have it. It fools those who think that it is enough and it sticks to those who doesn't even think about it.


Love, is a very simple thing,

It conquers all.


To be kind is to be brave, To love is to live -- You prove your courage by being kind , You prove that you're alive by allowing yourself to love.                                                                                                                    -Bhavishya JS


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